Shark Week: An Homage to Preppy Shark Attire

Shark Week is underway, that annual Discovery Channel-led celebration of nature's most efficient predator. Sharks reached evolutionary perfection hundreds of millions of years ago, and while we invite you to stay as far away from real ones as possible (is there any better fodder for a lifetime of nightmares than watching one try to bite through a shark cage to get at you?), we certainly welcome celebrating the killer fish on your person in the guise of preppy clothing and accessories.
This summer marks the 40th-anniversary of Steven Spielberg's "Jaws," which gave birth to the pop culture fascination with the toothesome creatures. The film is a celebration of rough-and-tumble working-class New England style, and is based on the novel by uber-prep (Phillips Exeter, Harvard) Peter Benchley.
Here's a selection of preppy items to show your love of the sea and it's alpha predator — or perhaps to signal that, like them, you'll eat just about anything.

- Shark Tank Top by Rowdy Gentleman
- Shark Attack Sporting Socks in Cool Blue by Bird Dog Bay
- Great White Shark Needlepoint Key Fob by Smathers & Branson
- Shark Needlepoint Hat in Faded Red by Smathers & Branson
- Limited Edition Shark Week Shorts in Carolina Blue by Krass & Co.
- Sea King Shark Shorts in Coral by Krass & Co
- Embroidered Cisco Shorts in Nantucket Navy Infested with Sharks by Castaway Clothing
- Card Shark Pocket Square in Red by Peter Blair
Posted on July 06 2015
How about a bow tie To go with the pocket square?
A shark belt like the Longchamp belt!
Enjoy the summer!
Jeff Bowden