The College Spring Break Destination Series: Myrtle Beach

If you've been reading along with us, you know that we're counting down the most popular college Spring Break destinations for 2016 - in no particular order. Next up...
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!

(Expectation: the top picture. Reality - this little pic right here.)
Please don't fool yourself. The only time Myrtle Beach looks like that picturesque night up top is when you are not there, dear spring-breaker. You will be part of the throng. Embrace it (and don't touch anyone lest ye be touched).
The Good: Unlike a few other locations on our list, Myrtle Beach comprises distinct areas that feature their own special flavor. In one trip, you might find yourself noodling to some live music at Pirate's Cove in North End, knocking back shooters at Broadway at the Beach in central Myrtle Beach, and slaying some karaoke at Slammerz Beach Bar & Grill. Reports indicate that drinking on the beach, although not encouraged, will not get you drunk-tanked for the week as long as you're of age and not being a complete dipsh*t.
The Bad: The traffic is awful. Seriously terrible. It's one big traffic jam. Also, there's been some pretty bad weather in recent years, so you might be rolling the dice a bit when it comes to getting some sunshine (buck up - you can always drink inside).
The Schools: As you might expect, the Carolinas show up to Myrtle in a big way, but don't think this is just a two state shindig. If you live in the Southeast long enough, you'll probably make the trek yourself.
The Brands: Not surprisingly, Southern Tide is a big player in its home state. Now that Tide features a full women's line, we expect to see even more of a presence in 2016.

Packing for your trip? Check out Southern Tide before you go!
Posted on March 08 2016